Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Treatment
Amblyopia, commonly known as “lazy eye,” is a condition where one eye has reduced vision despite no obvious issues with the eye itself. This condition typically develops in early childhood when the brain favors one eye over the other, resulting in impaired vision in the weaker eye. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent long-term vision problems.
Symptoms of Amblyopia
- Blurred or poor vision in one eye
- Squinting or tilting the head
- Difficulty with depth perception
- Crossed or misaligned eyes (Strabismus)
Treatment Options for Amblyopia
Treatment for amblyopia varies depending on the severity and underlying cause. Common approaches include:
- Eye Patches: Wearing an eye patch over the stronger eye forces the brain to use the weaker eye, improving vision.
- Corrective Lenses: Glasses or contact lenses are prescribed to correct refractive errors and encourage proper eye function.
- Vision Therapy: Special exercises or activities designed to improve coordination between both eyes.
- Surgical Intervention: In cases of misalignment, surgery may be recommended to correct eye position.
Why Early Treatment Matters
If left untreated, amblyopia can lead to permanent vision impairment. It’s essential to address the condition before the age of 9 for the best chance of restoring vision.